Sunday, February 25, 2018

I have said too much unto a heart of stone,

And laid my honour too unchary out.



Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will       Act III, Scene iv, Line 202

So now, how about that second to last word; unchary. That’s a bit of a puzzler, eh? Anybody? Okay, it means carelessly. Now here’s the funny thing: if I look it up in my online Shakespeare glossary it says ‘carelessly’. If I google it and take the online MW definition it says ‘carelessly’. So one would be speaking unchary if one were to say that Shakespeare was not written in modern English, because it is (even thought Microsoft Word is giving me a red underline spellcheck every time I type unchary). I had a long discussion with one of my co-workers last week about the difference between old English, and middle English, and modern English. It was actually more of a lecture than a discussion. I asked her if she was ready for the lecture, and she said she was. And it seemed like she was interested, but maybe she’s just a good actor. Hard to tell.

Now, what’s Olivia saying? Well, without context it doesn’t have a heck of a lot of meaning, but just the same, we can understand it. She’s said too much to someone who pretty much doesn’t care, and in the process she has carelessly put her honor out there, presumably to be trampled on. Well, okay, I pretty much added that presumption, but it seems reasonable.

Obviously I don’t know this play, and I’m not going to look into this scene right now, so you’re going to be stuck with simply learning a new word for carelessly. My friend Garrett told me that this play had something to do with Christmas season. Or at least the title does. But that’s about all I know about it.

Speaking of Christmas, this is my workshop. I put up some Christmas lights this year and decided to keep them up after the holiday season was over. I'm not doing it unchary. I just like the way it looks.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Thy back, I prithee.



Timon of Athens                              Act IV, Scene iii, Line 397

I didn’t realize what this line meant at first, but it’s delightfully simple once you realize what it is. Timon has been arguing with this other fellow and now he just wants that guy to go away. ‘Please let me see the back of you while you’re leaving.’ ‘I Prithee’ is just slang for ‘I pray thee’, which is just a long, polite way to say ‘Please’. Another, somewhat less polite, way to say it is ‘Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.’ Or just simply ‘Get lost!’

This is one of those lines that you could use constantly and the person you’re talking to wouldn’t know what you’re saying. And sometimes that’s a good thing. Are you thinking you're kind of done with this post and that you’d like to be saying this to me right now. "Thy back, I prithee!"

Okay then, I'm leaving.

Friday, February 9, 2018

I saw him once; he was a goodly king.


Hamlet                                 Act I, Scene ii, Line 186

So this is Horatio, and we’re at the beginning of the play. He’s been discussing things (including Hamlet’s father) with Hamlet and he blurts out here that he saw his father once. He’s about to tell Hamlet that he’s also seen him recently, since the goodly king died. This of course means that he’s seen the ghost. Well I guess you’d have to read the first scene to know a little of what’s going on. But before he mentions the ghost he tells Hamlet that he saw his father once when his father was still alive. The subject of Hamlet’s father came up when Hamlet asked Horatio why he was back at Elsinore and not still away at college in Wittenberg. And that’s a bit interesting, isn’t it? This play is set in a dark, medieval, castle in Denmark in… in what century? I’m not sure. Will wrote it sometime around the year 1600, so the setting is at least that old though it’s based on a story from much earlier. But it’s kind of funny that this particular bit of dialogue is so relate-able. It's that of a young man being home from college.  Anyway, Horatio at first says that the reason he’s home from college is to attend the funeral of Hamlet’s father. And before he gets to the part about seeing the ghost, he mentions that he saw the guy once and then follows that with saying that he was a goodly king. Which is, of course also something that is very much what we still do: we say something nice about the recently departed. “Yeah, I only saw your Dad once, but he was a good guy.” I’m not sure why we feel a need to say something nice about the recently departed, but we do. Maybe we picked that up from this play? No, I don’t think so.

Map time! I took this close up pic of a piece of my globe. Elsinore, where the play Hamlet takes place, is in Denmark, right about where the 'n', the last letter in 'Copenhagen' is on the map. That big pink piece sticking down is Sweden. And of course England is that purple island on the left with London near the bottom. I like maps.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...