Thursday, January 10, 2019

This is the strangers’ case,                                   
And this your mountainish inhumanity.

-Thomas More
Sir Thomas More                                          Act II

Today, for the first time, we are not going to be looking at a random line. And it’s for a few reasons. First, Sir Thomas More is a play that is not included in the compilation that I pick my Totally Random lines from, and so it would be impossible to pick this line. But more importantly, it’s a great line that I’ve been meaning to blog on, and further, it’s a line that has an incredible amount of relevance to what’s going on today.

Sir Thomas More is a play that is believed to be written by several playwrights, William Shakespeare included. The scene that this line is take from is the scene believed to be written by Will. It’s a scene where Thomas More is brought in to speak to the town folk of London who are on the verge of a riot. They are rioting because they’re mad at the foreigners who they believe are stealing their jobs. Thomas More goes into a long speech, but instead of explaining it further to you, I’ll give you this link and Sir Ian will explain and then give you the speech.  I hope you will take the time to look at it and I hope you will appreciate the relevance.

This is a picture, circa 1940, of my great-grandparents and their five grandchildren. The big kid sitting between his grandparents is my dad. This old couple here came over from Lithuania when they were young, sometime around 1900. My great-grandparents came to America in search of a better life. We’ve been told that if he had stayed in Lithuania great-granddad would have stood a good chance of being conscripted into the Russian army. So he fled to what he hoped would be a better place. John and Theodora came through Ellis Island separately, legally, and eventually became citizens.

So that all of us in my family are children, removed by one or more generations, of immigrants. Yes, the two pictured above came legally, but only because they could. If they had to do it illegally there is no doubt in my mind that they would have. After all, they were looking for a chance to have a better life for themselves and their children. This is a universal goal that’s as old as mankind, and This is the strangers’ case.

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