Monday, July 30, 2018

                                           I must to  him too,
Before he go to bed. I'll take my leave.

-Sir Thomas Lovell

King Henry the Eighth                            Act V, scene i, Line 9

Sir Thomas Lovell. Do you suppose that he was an ancestor of James Lovell the astronaut? I suppose I'll never know. 

In any event, it's a fairly innocuous little line. Thomas has just found out that King Henry is still up so he's going to go see him before going to bed. I don't know what he needs to see him about. Whilst I'm familiar, to some extent, with the life of Henry VIII, I've not much familiarity with this play. It's the last play in my compilation, and certainly one of the last plays he wrote, if not the last. So this writing is at the end of the career of Will. Remember that Henry VIII is the father of Elizabeth I and that she was the queen when Will started  his writing career. By now she has passed on and James I is on the throne. Nonetheless, Will has to be a little more careful writing about Henry VIII than he did when writing about all those other monarchs who were a little bit more historic than current. 

This is page 242 of volume 16 of my Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. Now this is a 1980's edition (not sure of the exact year). So Jim Lovell should be here, but instead we skip from Loveland to Seth Low. No Jim Lovell, a guy who travelled to the moon twice (albeit never landing on it), and yet Seth Low? Who the heck is Seth Low?

Sunday, July 22, 2018

For God's sake, take away this captive scold.



King Henry the Sixth Part III                                Act V, scene v, Line 29

A 'scold', according to the glossary I'm using is an abusive woman, but I think in this situation it's a bit more acerbic than that. In fact, Richard is pretty much calling Margaret, the queen, a hag. 

However, consider the source. The Richard that's speaking is soon to be King Richard III. And while that may be the title of one of Shakespeare's better works, it's not the name of one of England's better kings. He's the guy who's responsible for two of his nephews disappearing, among other things.

So in this time four centuries prior to the #METOO era, you can pretty much bet that Richard is going to get away with calling Margaret whatever he wants to call her. Just the same, considering his behavior, and that his name is Richard, I guess it will be okay if we just refer to him as #DICK. 

Here you go. The indomitable Laurence Olivier showing just how Richardish the Third he can be. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

You shall, Marc Antony.

Julius Caesar                                      Act III, scene i, Line 231

This is Brutus telling Antony that he, Antony, can speak at Caesar's funeral. Big mistake. Brutus and his crew have just killed Caesar, presumably because they felt that Caesar was getting too big for his britches and was about to become a threat to the republic of Rome. And they want the people to know this and to accept this. However, Marc Antony is going to have something slightly different to say at the funeral and it's all going to turn very bad for Brutus and his buddies. But Brutus doesn't realize this at the time. If he did he would take a page from that great current statesman and go back to Antony and say, 

"Okay, hold up, I made a slight misstatement. I said 'shall' and I should have said 'shan't'. That's what I meant to say, 'shan't'. So the sentence that I misspoke should have been 'You shan't, Mark Antony'. So, there, that's good, right? We've got that settled?" 

But of course Brutus didn't do this and well, you know what happened. Too bad.

And might I note (this is the part where you say, "You shall, Pete."), as I've noted many times before, just how relevant Shakespeare's stuff is to our modern times. I can't help but marvel at this, and it just never ceases to amaze me.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...