Tuesday, April 30, 2019

An if my father please, I am content.

King Henry The Sixth Part I              Act V, Scene iii Line 127

I think that this is the first time we see Margaret, she who is to become Henry’s wife and play an important role in Parts II and III. The Earl of Suffolk has just come upon her in his battles in France and is bewitched by her beauty. He’s decided that it would be a good idea to bring her back to England to become King Henry’s queen (though it would appear that the Earl has some personal designs in mind for her himself). He proposes this idea to Margaret and today's Totally Random line is her response.
Well that was easy.

So Margaret appears to be an example of a child (well, a grown child) who's not going to do anything unless her father says it's okay. I guess we could contrast this with the father in the previous blog post (me) who was bidding my ears a little while be deaf because I felt that my child wasn't exactly doing what I wanted him to. So would I want to trade my kid for Margaret? No, not really. He's a good guy no matter what.

No, not exactly a current pic. But that's him, an his father is pleased with this picture.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

O, let my sovereign turn away his face,

And bid his ears a little while be deaf,

Till I have told this slander of his blood,

How God and good men hate so foul a liar!

-Thomas Mowbray


King Richard The Second                Act I, Scene i Line 111

This is the beginning of the play, and here’s Thomas Mowbray, the Duke of Norfolk, talking to King Richard about Bolingbroke. Mowbray and Bolingbroke have brought their dispute to the king for Richard to mediate it. The short version of the four lines above is that Mowbray is calling Bolingbroke a liar. But of course, Will doesn’t often give us the short version, does he? And I'm afraid I'm not going to give you the short version today either.

It seems that I couldn't think of anything further to write about this, and I couldn't think of any picture to add. Until now. I've come up with some relevant comments, and maybe even a picture, but it's going to take a stretch, so you'll have to indulge me. Or just stop reading here.

In between starting this post, and attempting to continue it, I had the experience of watching my son do a bit of piano playing whilst he was watching and listening (with headphones) to a youtube video on his phone at the same time. Now you might think that it would take some degree of talent to play a piano, reading the music, whilst at the same time watching and listening to an unrelated video. Well, yes, maybe it does. But that's the point. If he's good enough to do that (and don't get me wrong, he doesn't sound that good when he's playing that way) then he's got to possess some degree of musical talent. And I think he does. But if he's got this talent then why the heck doesn't he actually put a little serious effort into it. And, in fact, why can't he do anything whilst he's awake without watching damn videos whilst he's doing it. The piano thing this evening got me so frustrated that I went in the other room, closed the door, and watched tv. And I really do love (usually) listening to him play piano. But I was so frustrated that I turned away my face and bid my ears a little while be deaf to his piano playing. 

Oof, that was a long way to go for today's somewhat tenuous tie-in. And yes, it's not a very good tie-in. But it is a legitimate use of the lines and with pretty much the same meaning as today's line, albeit turning and bidding for completely different reasons than why Mowbray is telling Richard to turn and bid. So be it.

Yup, here's the little wiener at his first recital. He's currently playing stuff a bit more demanding than Mary Had A Little Lamb. And his feet touch the ground now too. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

          Then, tell me,
Who’s the next heir of Naples?

The Tempest                          Act I, Scene ii Line 241

This is Antonio talking his buddy, Sebastian, into killing Alonso. But don’t worry, this is a comedy so nobody will get killed. 
By the way, this scene is covered quite well in The Rarer Action, in case you were interested.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Why, I could wish him to be my master, or rather, my mistress.



Pericles, Prince Of Tyre               Act IV, Scene v Line 159

This morning I took the time to read all of scene v. It’s pretty interesting. This is the scene where Marina has been sold by the pirates to a house of prostitution and she ends up preaching to all the customers and converting them into God fearing, law abiding citizens. The owners of the house have realized that she’s bad for business and they’ve instructed the servant, Boult, to go take Marina and…well… break her in, so to speak (whilst Will uses figurative language, crack the glass of her virginity, and make the rest malleable, he’s also pretty explicit). But before Boult can take her away, she asks him a question: what canst thou wish thine enemy to be? And Boult’s answer is today’s Totally Random line: Why, I could wish him to be my master, or rather, my mistress. This appears to be Boults way of saying that he doesn’t like the people he’s working for (the owners of the brothel), and doesn’t’ think much of them. But Marina’s not buying that, and she comes right back at Boult telling him that he’s worse, a lot worse, than his master and mistress.

Neither of these are so bad as thou art,

Since they do better thee in their command.

Thou hold’st a place, for which the pained’st fiend

Of hell would not in reputation change:

Thou are the damned doorkeeper to every

Coistrel (knave) that comes inquiring for his Tib (whore);

To the choleric fisting (beating) of every rogue

Thy ear is liable; thy food is such

As has been belched on by infected lungs.

Ouch! That’s disgusting!

Boult responds by asking her, given his situation, what does she expect him to do? And she answers:

Do anything but this thou doest. Empty

Old receptacles, or common shores, of filth;

Serve by indenture to the common hangman:

Any of these ways are yet better than this;

For what thou professests, a baboon, could he speak,

Would own a name too dear.

Do anything! Take out the garbage, help out with executions. A monkey could do your job!

Again, ouch! A monkey could do what you’re doing! It doesn’t’ get much more insulting than that. And yet, somehow with all these insults she manages to convince Boult that she could be put to better use, and more profitable use, by doing skilled work, not prostitution. And they head off to go sell this idea to the master and mistress of the house. Go figure!

I thought that the language in this scene was pretty vivid, so I wanted to share it with you. What do you think?

For what thou professests, a baboon, could he speak, 
Would own a name too dear. 

You're no better than a monkey. And that's one pretty funky looking monkey!

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...