Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Today’s Totally Random Lines


Come, assay, --There’s one gone to the harbor?



Othello              Act II, Scene i, Line 121


Well, what do we have here. Iago has just been talking about his wife, Emilia, and then Desdemona asks him what he would say about her, Desdemona, if he were to praise her. Iago protests, and Desdemona presses him, Come, assay, but then just like that her attention is diverted and she’s talking about some guy running by.

Assay is a modern, albeit seldom used word, and it means try. It's also a commonly used noun used in scientific parlance having to do with the testing of something in the lab. So there you go, your word for the day.

I’m not sure I’ve got anything else to say. Should I assay to come up with something? 


Mojo doesn't care if I assay or not; as long as I don't assay getting him out of his cozy little spot.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Today’s Totally Random Lines


What, hath the firmament more suns than one?



Titus Andronicus      Act V, Scene iii, Line 17

Hey, this is a good line, and one that you can use. Let me explain. Saturninus, the emperor, comes on the scene and Lucius, who will be challenging Saturninus, does not bow to him. Simply put, Saturninus is asking the rhetorical question, is there someone else (besides me) who’s the boss here? He's the sun, and the rest of the world is the firmament. Get it?

So, next time you’re in charge, and it can be just about any situation - work, parenting, etc., when someone is not doing what you tell them just unload with What, hath the firmament more suns than one?

Oh, that’ll frost ‘em, all right. Might confuse them a bit as well, but that’s okay.  

Yes, there is only one sun in the 341 Radmere Road firmament, and it sure as hell ain't me. 
And yes, I let him drive when he wants to. 
What can I tell you: He's the sun!


Monday, January 6, 2025


Today’s Totally Random Lines


First, a very excellent good-conceited thing; after, a wonderful sweet air, with admirable rich words to it,--and then let her consider.



Cymbeline         Act II, Scene iii, Line 16


Cloten is instructing the musicians that he’s brought to serenade Imogen from outside her room. Cloten is Imogen’s stepbrother and wishes to be much more, but Imogen has absolutely no interest in him. In fact, Cloten is the ass of the play, and no reasonable woman is going to have any interest in him, let alone his stepsister who is also the daughter of the king.

The only thing Imogen is going to be considering is the bad luck she’s got in ending up with a step brother like you, Cloten. 

Speaking of considering, what do you suppose is on this guy's mind. He seems to be extremely interested in something on my neck. What on earth could it be?

I suddenly have an irresistible urge to go find a mirror.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   Sir, He is with Caesar.   Soldier Antony and Cleopatra             Act IV, Scene v, Line 8 Th...