Sunday, March 5, 2017

There did this perjured goldsmith swear me down
That I this day of him received the chain,
Which, God he knows, I saw not:
The Comedy of Errors
Antipholus of Ephisus                                   Act V, Scene i     Line 144
What we have here, friends, is a continuation of a line that we posted on back in December. I’ll give you that line, the one intervening line, and today’s line, all together. And just for the record, we’ll be disqualifying the intervening line from further possible selection since we’ve got it here today. 

As I noted back then, this is very near the end of the play and just before everyone in the play finally realizes that there’s two sets of twins. Of course this realization has to come at the very end because literally all of the comedy of this play involves the misunderstandings that are a result of not knowing that there are two sets of twins. There are less than one hundred lines in the play after this realization is made. But today’s line Is about two hundred lines before the end of the play, so the misunderstandings continue at this point. Obviously (or not), the goldsmith gave the chain to Antipholus of Syracuse, not Antipholus of Ephesus, and therein lies the humor. Again, typical Three’s Company stuff. I wonder if Jack Ritter, Joyce Dewitt, and Suzanne Somers realized how closely they were following in the tracks of Shakespearean actors. I’m thinking probably not.
This is my chain. I wear it all the time. It's not gold, or even silver. I'm not sure what it is, but it's definitely mine and it's hard to imagine anyone else ending up with it.

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  Today’s Totally Random Lines   Come, where’s the chain? I pray you, let me see it. Antipholus of Ephesus The Comedy of Errors   ...