Sunday, August 5, 2018

...any strange beast there makes a man: when they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to se a dead Indian. 


The Tempest                            Act II, scene ii, Line 32

This is Trinculo and he's talking about Caliban. As you know, The Tempest is one play that I'm pretty familiar with. Trinculo is about to crawl beneath the strange, playing-dead figure of Caliban for protection from the approaching storm. But before he does, he's standing there trying to figure out exactly what is Caliban. Is he a man, or a fish? Whatever he is, he's strange looking enough so that if Trinculo could bring him back to England he could make money charging admission for people just to see the beast. That's what he's talking about in the lines above. I'm not sure what a 'doit' is, but I believe it's some form of currency. Probably slang for a penny? 


Today's picture is not really a picture, it's a link, a link to our website where you can purchase of copy of our retelling of The Tempest. Yes, that's right, we finally got it published. And on page 22 there's actually a great picture of the action described above where Trinculo crawls underneath Caliban for protection. It'll cost you a few doits, but I hope you'll agree that it's worth it.

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