Friday, January 4, 2019

Out treacherous villain!
Thou call’st on him that hates thee: It was he 
That made the overture of thy treason to us:
Who is too good to pity thee.

King Lear                              Act III, Scene vii, Line 90

This is the scene where they gouge out poor Gloster’s eyes. And this is the part of the scene where, with his eyes now useless, Gloster ‘sees’ for the first time that his son Edmund is the traitor and his son Edgar is the betrayed. It's part of that 'seeing' theme that Will uses in this play. 
The line that’s spoken before today’s Totally Random line is where Gloster is calling for help from Edmund, who’s not there. Regan’s answer is today’s line. Gloster then answers that with his realization that Edgar is the good son, and Regan responds with one of my all-time favorite lines:

Go thrust him out at gates, and let him smell
His way to Dover.

Let him smell his way to Dover!
And that, my friends, just about sums up Regan.

This is a pic from my hotel room looking out on the Hoth. This is Plymouth, on the southwest coast of England. It's the closest I could come to a pic of Dover, which is on the southeast coast of England. No, I didn't smell my way there; I took a plane and a train.

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  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...