Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Your wondrous rare description, noble earl,

Of beauteous Margaret hath astonisht me:

-King Henry


King Henry The Sixth Part I                  Act V, Scene v, Line 1

These are the first two lines of the final short scene of this play. In this scene the Earl of Suffolk has talked King Henry into taking Margaret for his bride. Two of the other guys in the scene are questioning this idea since Henry has already been set up to marry someone else. But apparently Suffolk is quite the salesman because Henry is all worked up about Margaret, sight unseen. This Suffolk fellow has got to be quite the silver-tongued smoothie to pull this off. And we find out in the final lines of this scene, and the play, what’s on his mind.

Margaret shall now be queen, and rule the king;

But I will rule both her, the king, and the realm.

Well that makes you just ache for the start of King Henry The Sixth Part II, doesn’t it? What's this Suffolk guy got planned? 
Just so you know, there's three King Henry the Sixth plays; part I, part II, and part III.

No pic today. Instead a clip. This is a twentieth century example of leaving you wanting to see the next installment. Get the idea? Do you think that the sixteenth century theater goers of King Henry The Sixth Part I felt like you might feel after watching this clip?

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