Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What he will do graciously, I will thankfully receive.


Pericles                                               Act IV scene v line 59

Marina is Pericles daughter, and I believe she got separated from him in a shipwreck. At this point in the story she has somehow ended up with some hooligans who have sold her into slavery as a prostitute. But I don’t think she realizes yet that she’s supposed to be a prostitute. She’s just been asked by the guy in charge to ‘use him kindly’. The ‘him’ being referred to is a customer that has shown up at the bordello. ‘Use’ means, um, well, I suppose perform for him. You know. And I’m not sure Marina really knows what’s expected of her. Or maybe she does know. Either way, today’s Totally Random line is her answer to 'use him kindly', and it could be her answer either way, though it would have a different connotation depending on what she knew or understood. Actually, the more I look at it, the more I think she doesn’t really understand what the customer is coming in for, because I don’t think she’s willing to thankfully receive from him what he intends to give, no matter how gracious he is.

I think the misunderstandings here are being played for laughs since this is a comedy. And with this subject matter it’s a bit of a bawdy comedy, isn’t it? Whilst he may not be as direct as stuff you see and hear now a days, Will’s material can still get quite provocative. I’m thinking that the audience would really get into this.

But Graciously and Thankfully? I don’t think either of those terms really fits in here. Or maybe I’m wrong.

Today I give you a picture of my grandmother. Whilst she would not have been associated with the bawdy scene from which we pulled today's line, she will always be associated with graciousness. So here she is graciously, and I am thankful to have had her for my grandmother.

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