Today’s Totally Random Lines
Come here about me, you my Myrmidons;
Mark what I say. Attend me where I wheel;
Strike not a stroke, but keep yourselves in breath:
And when I have the bloody Hector found,
Empale him with your weapons round about;
In fellest manner execute your arms.
Follow me, sirs, and my proceedings eye:-
It is decreed Hector the great must die. [Exeunt]
Troilus and Cressida Act V Scene iii, Line
Achilles tells all his men to follow him
to go kill Hector. He does it with a bit of emphasis, and then they all traipse off.
By the way, the Myrmidons are a tribe, a bunch of guys who follow Achilles. They’re not male mermaids, just in case you were wondering. Also, by the way, a myrmidon in modern English can mean a loyal follower: a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously. I didn’t know that before, and its according to MW online. Interesting.
This is the part where I make a political comment. Well, I did, but then I deleted it. You’re welcome.

This guy is such a Wienie. When I got to the part about empaling (impaling) Hector, and executing with fellest manner he just buried his head and wouldn't look up.Talk about sensitive!