it cried how true a twain
this concordant one!
hath reason, reason none
what parts can so remain.
The Phoenix and the Turtle
Stanza 12 Line 48
Okay, now you should see why I like the plays. For the
record, I pushed the random pick forward a whole page because the page I
randomly picked was a page of Passionate Pilgrim that was made up completely of
non-Will materials. So….
Now, what of this Phoenix and Turtle? And by the way, from
what little reading I’ve done on this I do know that we’re talking about two
birds, the second one being a turtledove, not a shelled amphibious animal.
Again, so…
First off, this is a one page poem with eighteen stanzas.
The first thirteen are four lines each with an ABBA rhyme scheme and the last
five are three lines each with an AAA rhyme scheme. Honestly, who came up with
that? Will? So you can see above, this is stanza number twelve with twain, one,
none, remain as the rhyme scheme. Again, honestly!
Further, what’s it all mean Basil? This reminds me of half
of James Taylor’s songs; a lot of nice sounding words, but meanings? Well, not
so much. But it’s Will, so I must be wrong.
So I found some interpretive works on this poem. I was just
now thinking about putting some links here, but thought better of it. I tried
getting through a few of these interpretations and, well, let’s just say that
the interpretations could use some interpreting. Then, what do we do?
Now it just occurred to me: I’m a reasonably intelligent
fellow. No genius, mind you, but reasonably intelligent. Given that, what did
the average Englishman of 1603 think of this poem? Did he/she understand it?
Did they get it? Did they enjoy it? I wish I had him/her here to tell me what
they thought of it. But I don’t, do I?
I think we might amend our page limit to 1250. I’ll have to
give it some thought. Today's Totally Random line? I just don't know.
Since I didn't really give you much on The Phoenix And The Turtle, I'll give you a picture of The Noah And The Tortoise. And a nice warm summer day!