Tuesday, June 8, 2021


That’s a sheal’d peascod.

                Pointing to Lear



King Lear                Act I, Scene iv, Line 109


Two days in a row with a little stage direction: that’s unusual. Anyway, sheal’d is simply shelled, and peascod is a pea. So basically, Lear is a pea out of his pod. And that’s a fairly apt description of him right now, as he is being treated as quite a bit less than a king by his daughters. Interesting.

Perhaps we could use this instead of the very weary expression out of your comfort zone. I’m sure you’ve heard that one. It’s usually used in a positive sense in that it is a recommended, good thing. You really need to get out of your comfort zone. To which I generally reply Yah, zone this, with an appropriate hand gesture. This would be a much better response, and the other person would have no idea what you’re talking about, which is a bonus.

“You really need to get outside your comfort zone, Pete.”

“Yay, why don’t you become a sheal’d peascod.”

“A what?”

Okay, that’s perfect. Now, I just need to remember it. That’s the trick.


Here's Pete in the water. You can't see his face, but you might be able to tell by the body language: he is a sheal'd peascod - out of his element, and out of his comfort zone.

Here's Pete later that same day, in the water; but this time there's no waves and there's a draft beer in front of him, and a bar stool to sit on. He's a bit less of a sheal'd peaspod in this pic.

Monday, June 7, 2021


First rehearse your song by rote

To each word a warbling note:

Hand in hand, with fairy grace,

Will we sing, and bless this place.

Song and dance



A Midsummer Night’s Dream    Act V, Scene i, Line 386


Unlike yesterday’s line, these are only a few lines removed from the end of the play. All the mortals have left the stage at this point, all their activities complete, and Oberon, Titania, Puck, and the fairies are here. And they’re just singing, dancing, (as you can note by the stage direction) and pretty much making merry before all but Puck depart, leaving him to wrap things up.

So that’s about all I’ve got for today’s line.

 This guy might be able to do some warbling. Ya think?

Sunday, June 6, 2021


Send us your prisoners, or you will hear of it.

-King Henry

King Henry the Fourth Part I    Act I, Scene iii, Line 124


This is near the beginning of the play and Northumberland and Hotspur are being told by King Henry that he wants the prisoners they captured in their battle with the Welsh. It turns out that high ranking prisoners are big business in this place and time, because you can ransom them back to their countrymen for big bucks. Hotspur does not want to give up these prisoners and this will be the beginning of trouble and eventual civil war.

He probably should have just given up the prisoners.

No, no, no; that's not one of Hotspur's prisoners. That's not a prisoner at all. It's just Matt.

Thursday, June 3, 2021


I do attend here on the General;

And think it no addition, nor my wish,

To have him see me woman’d.



Othello              Act III, Scene iv, Line 194


The word I find most interesting today is woman’d. Yes, it’s the verb form of woman. I was not aware that woman could be used as a verb. Of course, nowadays everyone and his cousin seems to enjoy turning nouns into verbs. One of my favorites was one I heard in a business meeting. The VP was the senior person in the room and he was addressing everyone when he said “If something goes wrong with this project, it’s not going to be just my head. I’m going to make sure to peanut butter the pain!” In other words he would spread the blame over everyone. I always liked that one, peanut butter the pain.

Anyway, back to today’s word. To have him see me woman’d. Now, does that mean with a woman, or subservient to a woman, or turned into a woman (figuratively)? Take your pick. 

 So does this ring mean that I'm woman'd?

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   Her voice is stopt, her joints forget to bow; Her eyes are mad that they have wept till now.   ...