Wednesday, August 31, 2022


The time hath been

Would you have been so brief with him, he would

Have been so brief with you, to shorten you,

For taking so the head, your whole head’s length.

-Duke of York

King Richard II              Act III, scene iii, line 11

Bolingbroke is back in England and marching with an army to reclaim what is his. They’ve come to the castle where King Richard is sequestered. The Duke of York is with Bolingbroke, but he is faithful to Richard. Remember now, that York is the brother to Bolingbroke’s father and to Richard’s father. So whilst he has an equally familial allegiance to both of them, he is on the side of Richard as being the rightful King of England, since Richard is the son of the oldest brother of all the sons of Edward III. 

With today’s lines York is letting Northumberland know that he’d better be more respectful and refer to King Richard as King Richard, not just Richard, as he did in a previous line. Northumberland claims that he was just being ‘brief’, not disrespectful, when referring to the king as simply Richard. This is what York is responding to with today’s lines, and he’s picking up on the word ‘brief’ that Northumberland used.   

Perhaps I could have been more brief with that explanation?

Here is a pic of four of my nephews (there's a couple of other ones, but I couldn't find a pic of all of them). Now, since Micael is the son of the oldest of my siblings, he would be the king. But what if Caleb, or Will, or John decided that they wanted the job. Well now, they're all sons of my brothers, so which one do I stand with? Would it be Michael because he's the son of the oldest brother? Then do I throw these other guys under the bus? I wouldn't want to be in the Duke of York's shoes.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022


In winter’s tedious nights sit by the fire

With good old folks and let them tell thee tales

Of woeful ages long ago betid;


King Richard II              Act V, scene i, line 41

Betid: that's a funny word, isn't it? It just means 'happened', past tense of betide. Tell them tales of woeful ages that happened long ago. 

This is part of a longer response that Richard gives to his queen when she asks Richard if he is both in shape and mind transform’d and weaken’d? Bolingbroke has deposed him, and Richard is on the way to the Tower. ‘Aren’t you at least going to go down roaring like the lion that you are?’, she asks him.

Here is his full response to that:

        A king of beasts, indeed; if aught but beasts,

        I had been still a happy king of men.

        Good sometime queen, prepare thee hence for France:

        Think I am dead and that even here thou takest,

        As from my death-bed, they last living leave.

        In winter’s tedious nights sit by the fire

With good old folks and let them tell thee tales

Of woeful ages long ago betid;

And ere thou bid good night, to quit their griefs,

Tell thou the lamentable tale of me

And send the hearers weeping to their beds:

        For why, the senseless brands will sympathize

        The heavy accent of thy moving tongue

        And in compassion weep the fire out;

        And some will mourn in ashes, some coal-black,

        For the deposing of a rightful king.


Yah, stick a fork in him; he’s pretty much done.

Going with the State Fair theme one more day, I can tell you that these foot-longs are pretty much done too. No need for a fork, though. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022


Bootless is flight,--they follow us with wings;

And weak are we, and  cannot shun pursuit.


King Henry the Sixth Part III       Act II, scene iii, line 18

A few program notes: First off, we took a break for a quick trip out to MN for the State Fair. So I haven’t been looking at any of Will’s words since Wednesday. No, I couldn’t find much trace of Will at the Minnesota State Fair. Secondly, I’ve decided, for today at least, to take a break from Merchant. I’ll probably get back to that one soon, but for today, here we are in the thick of battle with the players of Henry VI, Part III.

Okay then. Bootless: this word is in the current MW online. I’m familiar with it mostly from The Tempest where Miranda talks about a ‘bootless inquisition’, so that I know it means useless. It’s a good word and I use it; though I’m not sure people know what I mean when I do. Flight is useless.  

Anyway, I skipped forward to do some reading in the next scene this morning, where we’re still in the middle of the same battle. In the next scene we have Henry, alone, talking about the how miserable it is to be king and what a good life the homely swain (country youth) has.

        And to conclude,--the shepherd’s homely curds,

His cold thin drink out of his leather bottle,

His wonted sleep under a fresh tree’s shade,

All which secure and sweetly he enjoys,

Is far beyond a prince’s delicates,

His viands sparkling in a golden cup,

His body crouched in a curious bed,

When care, mistrust, and reason waits on him.

Can you believe it? What does Will bring up first when he wants to compare the good, simple life of a shepherd with the misery of being king? Curds! Will is talking about curds, and the fact that they're better than anything a king gets! Curds!

These two Minnesotans live for their annual taste of Cheese Curds! I didn't think I'd found much trace of Will at the Fair, but apparently I did; without knowing it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


There I have another bad match: a bankrout, a prodigal, who dare scarce show his head on the Rialto;-a beggar, that was used to come so smug upon the mart;-let him look to his bond; he was wont to call me usurer;-let him look to his bond: he was wont to lend money for a Christian courtesy:-let him look to his bond.


The Merchant of Venice                Act III, scene i, line 45

Shylock is talking about Antonio here. He has met Sal one and two on the street, and first they are talking about Shylock’s daughter, Jessica, and then Salarino asks him if he’s had any news of Antonio’s ships at sea. Today’s Totally Random Line(s) is Shylock’s reply to that, talking about Antonio.

The Rialto is kind of like the main square of Venice where everyone comes to conduct business. When Shylock talks of Antonio’s bond, he’s talking about the contract that he signed when he borrowed the three thousand ducats; the contract that gives Shylock a pound of flesh if Antonio defaults. He seems to be pretty focused on that bond, eh?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


How like a younker or a prodigal

The scarfed bark puts from her native bay,

Hugg’d and embraced by the strumpet wind!

How like a prodigal does she return,

With over-weather’d ribs, and ragged sails,

Lean, rent, and beggar’d by the strumpet wind!


The Merchant of Venice                Act II, scene v, line 71

Gratiano and Salarino are waiting for Lorenzo outside Shylock’s house. They begin by talking about how he’s late, and that he shouldn’t be because lovers ever run before the clock. They are meeting at Shylock’s house because Lorenzo is picking up Jessica.

Gratiano and Salarino get into a discussion about how new lovers are eager to be with each other. This then leads into talk about different scenarios where people or things are eager when going into any new endeavor, and something less than eager on the other end of it. Hence, in Today’s Totally Random Line a well trimmed sailboat, a scarfed bark, leaves the bay embraced by the strumpet wind. She returns after being at sea lean, rent and beggar’d by the strumpet wind: eager at the start, something less than eager at the return.   

I suppose we can apply this line of thinking to just about anything in life.

And here's a perfect example of just such a scenario. This is a graph of my weight since I started a new eating plan in early May. You can see that I dropped about ten pounds in the first weeks. However, since late June/early July I haven't gone any further; just up and down since then. 
What happened to the scarfed bark embraced by the strumpet wind?

Friday, August 19, 2022


You may do so;-but let it be so hasted, that supper be ready at the furthest by five of the clock. See these letters deliver’d; put the liveries to making; and desire Gratiano to come anon to my lodging.      [Exit a SERVANT]


The Merchant of Venice                Act II, scene ii, line 113


This is the scene where Launcelot Gobo is talking to himself and then to his father. The line previous to Today’s Totally Random Line is just that, Launcelot Gobo talking to old Gobo. Then, suddenly, Bassanio enters with Leonardo and a follower or two. Apparently one of the followers is a servant that Bassanio is in the middle of a conversation with as he enters the scene, and the lines above are the first spoken by Bassanio as he enters. I don’t know about you, but I’m a little curious as to what the servant asked permission to do. It must have been something since Bassanio enters the scene saying, ‘yes, you can do that, but make it quick so that you can take care of all my stuff.’ So what did the servant want to do? We’re never going to know, are we?

This reminds me of when I’m at a stoplight and I look over at a person standing and waiting for the bus. I look at them and realize that they have their own little world that they live in, just as I have mine, and that I will never know anything about that world. Are they thinking about the war in Ukraine, or about their Aunt Ethel who’s in the hospital. Or maybe they’re thinking about the underpants they’re wearing that are riding up on them. Whatever it is, it’s a continuum of a thousand thoughts that make up their world. And there are billions of these little worlds out there. So many of them I pass within a few feet of every day and never, ever give it a thought. But sometimes I do.

Will seems to be reminding us of these worlds right here. He’s going to give us this very little reminder of something very big, and then he’ll just move on. The servant exits and there’s never any mention further in the play of what he wanted to do. But even though we’ll never know what it was, and even though it really has nothing to do with any of the people or outcomes of the play, it must have been something.

How about this fellow entering the building just now. What's on his mind? What's his world all about? Aren't you just a little bit curious? I am. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022


For three months, - well.


The Merchant of Venice                Act I, scene iii, line 3


Here is our first look at Shylock, at the beginning of scene three. His first words, and the first words of the scene are, Three thousand ducats, - well. Bassanio says, Ay, sir, for three months. Shylock repeats him again with today’s Random Line (even though we didn’t hear Bassanio say three thousand ducats we can be pretty sure he did), then Bassanio says Antonio will be bound for it, and Shylock repeats him a third time. So Shylock’s first three lines in the play are parroting back what Bassanio said to him.

Isn't that interesting. Shylock, who is supposed to be the lender is, at the very outset, the borrower: borrowing his lines from Bassanio. Is Will giving us a cue right up front to suggest that Shylock may not be what we are going to assume him to be? 

He be, or not he be? You tell me.

Today's post is much too thought provoking for a picture. 

Just concentrate on the words.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   It is not lost; but what an if it were? Desdemona Othello            Act III, Scene iv, Line 82 ...