Today’s Totally Random Lines
Got’s will and his pleasure, captain, I peseech you now, come
apace to the king: there is more goot toward you peradventure than is in your
knowledge to dream of.
King Henry the Fifth Act IV, Scene viii, Line 3
Fluellen, a Welshman, is Will’s attempt to write in a dialect which mispronounces the English language. He does it in other places as well. I’m not completely sure what Fluellen is talking about in Today’s Totally Random Lines, but I do know that Got is God, peseech is beseech, and goot is good. No it’s not Groot. Nor am I Groot.
I am, however, sixty-seven years old should not be waffling about retirement. At least that’s what they all tell me. What’s that got to do with Fluellen, or Henry the Fifth or William Shakespeare? Probably nothing; and we all know what will come of nothing.