Sunday, February 14, 2021

 My liege, his railing is intolerable:

If those that care to keep your royal person

From treason’s secret knife and traitors’ rage

Be thus upbraided, chid, and rated at,

And the offender granted scope of speech,

‘Twill make them cool in zeal unto your Grace.


-Cardinal Beaufort

King Henry the Sixth Part II             Act III, Scene i, Line 174


Okay, today’s actual line was From treason’s secret knife and traitors’ rage, but that’s part of a pretty long sentence so I gave you the whole thing. No need to thank me.

I suppose that treason being what it is, its knife would be secret, wouldn’t it. That’s a rhetorical question; no need to answer. But it’s a pretty good segue into a rant. Here we go.

I’ve recently topped two hundred and forty pounds on the scale. Now I’m over six feet tall, so I can carry a few extra pounds reasonably well; but not two hundred and forty of them. So here’s the thing: I know that I’ve gained over twenty of these pounds in the last five years, whereas I had been at a pretty steady weight before that. So I had to ask myself, ‘self, what’s changed in the past five years.’ Well it’s obvious that I’m eating more and moving less. but why? In other words, are there changes in my world which would contribute to eating more and moving less? Now here’s the segue part so don’t miss it: if I consider this weight gain a sort of treason against my better health, are there any secret knives that I can identify? So I did my best to figure out what’s in, or out, of my life in the past five years that’s different from previously. I thought of many things, some of which might be secret knives and some not. Now keep in mind, I was approaching this from the angle of identifying changes first, and then determining if those changes were relevant to weight gain. Well it occurred to me that I started this blog just about five years ago. Could the blog possibly be a secret knife? Could it? It’s certainly an interesting thought, but one that at first blush does not seem to be a knife. But if it were, and I want to lose this weight, shouldn't I be eliminating that knife by shutting down the blog? 

And here is the traitorous belly. Can this blog possibly be a secret knife of this treasonous offender? And if so, needs this blog be discontinued? To be or not to be, that is the question.

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