Friday, June 9, 2017

Didst thou not mark the king, what words he spake,

‘Have I no friend will rid me of this living fear?’

Was it not so?


King Richard The Second                  Act V, Scene iv, Line 1

Well this is bordering on spooky.

Thursday’s Totally Random line (I didn’t have time to do a post yesterday, so today’s post is on yesterday’s line):
‘Have I no friend will rid me of this living fear?’

Thursday, James Comey during testimony:
‘It rings in my ears as, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”’

Wow. And yes, these are totally random lines. No, really, they are.

So then, Will’s line is Exton referring to what he believes is Henry IV’s desire to be rid of Richard II. Exton is talking to a servant. A little later Exton’s going to take action and go kill Richard because that’s what he thinks Henry IV wants.

James Comey is quoting Henry II (not the subject of a Shakespeare play) who was referring to Thomas Becket. Shortly after Henry II made his comment a bunch of his buddies went and killed Thomas Becket. Mr. Comey said he felt like the guys listening to Henry II when he, Comey was listening to President Trump talk about Michael Flynn and/or the Russian investigation. But of course, unlike Henry II’s buddies and Henry IV’s Exton, we all know that Mr. Comey clearly misunderstood President Trump, or else Mr. Comey is just flat out lying 😉.

And finally, Pete’s quote (barely audible) when the principal at last night’s eighth grade awards ceremony decided it would be a good idea to read a letter, ostensibly, from President Trump about the Presidential Acheivement Awards for Physical Fitness being handed out:

My little buddy didn't get the Presidential Achievement Award. He got these two awards: one for band and one for theater. Good for him!

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  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...