Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thou still hast been the father of good news.


Hamlet                                       Act II, scene ii, line 109

This is Claudius responding to gabby Polonius after the latter has told him that the ambassadors to Norway have returned. 

I see no reason to get into a lot of context here. In fact I’m not sure what to do with today’s line. I’m feeling a bit introspective this morning, a so perhaps I should just ramble on about my personal thoughts and feelings? Well I don’t really see that happening. And I don’t think that’s what all you thousands of readers are looking for. Although, now that I think about it, since today's play is Hamlet it would be perfectly appropriate to ramble on and on about my thoughts and feelings, wouldn't it?

How about I just give you a pic and leave it at that.  

This is what we brought back on our return from Norway. It's a box of candies. Of course, we weren't exactly ambassadors, but we did go there. By the way, the white things with the blue lines are supposed to be glaciers. I'm not sure what the brown ones with red represent. I'll ask Patrice and get back to you.


Squeaks said...

So Claudius wasn't being sarcastic? Polonius does often bring good news?

Pete Blagys said...

Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't remember this part of the play too well. Sorry.

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