Saturday, May 29, 2021


True or false, it hath made thee Earl of


Duke of Cornwall

King Lear               Act III, Scene V, Line 17


“It” in the line above is a letter that Edmund just showed to Cornwall. The letter proves that Edmund’s father, Gloster, has knowledge of France’s army that is invading, and that he has kept this knowledge from Cornwall. So that’s not going to work out very well for Gloster, not very well at all. Edmund is a real ratfink in this play, surpassed in ratfinkiness only by Regan and Goneril. I think I did a blog about ‘ratfinkiness’ before, so I won’t get into it here. We’ll just settle for the fact that Edmund is a ratfink and leave it at that.

Can you guess who that ratfink is in this picture? That's right, it's that guy on the right photobombing us with his butt sticking out of his little black speedo. Puh-leeze!

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