Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


--odours savours sweet:

    So hath thy breath, my dearest Thisby dear.—

But hark, a voice! Stay thou but here awile,

    And by and by I will to thee appear.    [Exit.



A Midsummer Night’s Dream       Act III, Scene i, Line 83

Midsummer Night’s Dream. Hmm. Well this is the guys practicing the play that they’re going to be presenting later in this play. Bottom had started off with

Thisby, the flowers of odious savours sweet,--

and was interrupted and corrected by Quince from odious to odours. Today’s lines is Bottom continuing with the correction.

I suppose there is a significant difference. Lets go to MW online.

Odious: arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance: hateful

Odours: the qualities of something that stimulate the olfactory organ: scent.

Wow. I had no idea. I thought odious had something to do with bad smell. These two words have nothing to do with each other. Good thing Bottom got corrected. I hope he remembers the right word when they present their play.

Okay, I looked forward to the end of this play, where they present this play that they’re practicing. I can’t find this line being used. What’s up with that? I told you this was a screwy play.

Don't be so down, Mojo. We'll have a better line tomorrow.

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