Friday, November 11, 2016

He’s flung in rage from this ingrateful seat
Of monstrous friends; nor has he with him to
Supply his life, or that which can command it.
Timon Of Athens                            Act IV, scene ii    Line 24
Timon has flown the coop, and he left without his backpack or anything else and headed up into the hills away from everyone. That’s what this boils down to. Now I don’t know too much of Timon Of Athens, but I do know that it’s a story of a kind hearted soul who gave all his friends the shirt off his back. And later on, when his money was all gone, he found that he had no real friends, and no one would help him out. And at that he lost his kind heart and walked away from it all.

Now If you don’t mind, I’m going to continue one more day on the theme of the week’s events. But rest assured that I’m keeping it pertinent to today’s line.

I can’t help but feel that this week’s loser in the general election has got to feel a little like Timon at this point. Can you imagine spending your life in service to people only to be refuted in the end by the people? And not only refuted, but to have a paragon of sloth and ignorance chosen over you? It would not surprise me at all to learn that she had headed up into the hills never to be heard from again. I know that I would be tempted to do that. I’m guessing, though, that even if she did that she would certainly not go without her backpack. And her contingent of secret service (former first lady; remember?). And no, in reality I don’t believe we’ve heard the last of her. And hopefully her end does not mirror Timons.

All right, that’s all I have to say about that, and hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have my head back on my shoulders and back into Will’s game. It got knocked off a bit by the results of Tuesday, but I’m slowly recuperating. I’ll do my best, and I don’t think I’ll be flung in rage. After all, I have much still with me to supply my life and to stay in command of myself. Yes, I most certainly do.
This is me heading up into the hills about twenty years ago. We hiked up from down below on the bottom right hand corner of the picture. Up in the upper left hand corner, sort of out of the picture, is Farewell Gap. If you go through that gap you're in the High Sierra back country. We didn't go that way. We hiked up to Lower Franklin Lake, camped out for one night, and headed back the next day. And there was no rage involved at all.


Mrs Blue said...

cool pic. looks like it was taken in 1970.

Pete Blagys said...


  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...