Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What’s he?

-Duke of Orleans

Setting – The French camp near Agincourt

Present – The Constable of France, the Lord Rambures, Orleans, and others.

King Henry The Fifth      Act III, scene vii Line 101

Tonight, a short line and a short post. Clearly, it isn’t much of a line to work with. I do think it’s interesting that we’re on our fourth day in a row of Henry plays, but today’s line is a bit a bit, well, there’s just not much to it. What’s he? I think the Duke is simply saying ‘who?’ The ‘who’ he’s referring to is the Dauphin. No, not the dolphin, the Dauphin. The Dauphin is the title of whoever is next in line for the throne of France. I don’t know if it has any relation from a semantics standpoint to the word dolphin, but I doubt it.

We knew going in to it there’d be days like this, so we’ll just take the day, and the line and be done.

No, no! I said Dauphin, not dolphin.

1 comment:

Mrs Blue said...

I really love this line.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...