Tuesday, November 29, 2016

With tearful eyes add water to the sea,
-Queen Margaret

King Henry The Sixth Part III       Act V, scene iv   Line 8
Dedicated to Spike and Noah

There’s really more to this line than what’s here. The sentence, and thought, begins before this line, and as you can see by the comma it continues after this line. But this line, all by itself, is particularly appropriate for today’s mood, and I say kudos to the die which once again appears to be anything but random. We're just going to go with the eight words of the line above. Let me explain.
My posts run about twelve days behind the day that I originally pick the line and write the posts. That is to say, I began this project of picking Random lines on August 1, but for the first ten days I did the writing just on a word document. I wanted to see if I would want to continue to do it before I actually took the time to start a blog. Well I did like doing it, so on August 10 I started posting. And I started with the August 1 Random line. Since then I’ve missed a few days of posting, but I never miss a day of picking a line. Long story short, I end up posting my blog posts about twelve days after I actually pick the line and write about it. It works out well, and it gives me a chance to clean up the writing a bit before I post it.

Why am I telling you this? Yes, there is a method to my madness. This random line is from November 17. Those of you who are diehard readers of this blog (yes, both of you) might recall that November 16 was the first date since I began on August 10 that I didn’t post. And on the following morning I pulled this line. Well the reason I didn’t post on November 16 was because I was pretty upset. On that day we said good-bye to two friends who had been with us for quite some time. They were both very old, and very sick, and their time had come. But it was a bad day for all of us here at the homestead. So with tearful eyes, we did add water to the sea, and I was as usual amazed at the appropriateness of the Random line.

I couldn't have done this post twelve days ago. But I can do it now, as now, our lives go on.

That's Spike on the left, and Noah on the right. They were only a few years old at the time, as this picture is quite old. That little guy in the middle was a neo-nate, and now he stands about 5' 8'', and  he's doing quite well thanks. But our friends Spike and Noah have left us, and we're sad about that.


Mrs Blue said...

Good pic. 5 8????

Pete Blagys said...

I was estimating, but I just did an actual. He's only 5' 6 and 1/2 ".
I was off by 1.5 inches. Sorry.

Mrs Blue said...

Ok, that sounded a little off. I'm 5 5 to 5 6.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...