Friday, June 25, 2021


His foes are so enrooted with his friends

That, plucking to unfix an enemy,

He doth unfasten so and shake a friend:


-Archbishop of York

The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth

Act IV, Scene i, Line 209


Okay, a lot going on. Let us give you a little bit of context.

The archbishop here is among the group that has rebelled against the crown. They are discussing amongst themselves whether or not it is worthwhile to go into battle against the king’s forces, or whether they should bother to parley with, and try to come to terms with, the king. Hastings says that any peace made will stand, and Mowbray says that’s not true and that the king will lash out at them again at the slightest provocation. The archbishop, agreeing with Hastings, has this to say to Mowbray:

No, no, my lord. Note this; the king is weary

Of dainty and such pricking grievances:

For he hath found to end one doubt by death

Revives two greater in the heirs of life,

Ant therefore will he wipe his tables clean

And keep no tell-tale to his memory

That may repeat and history his loss

To new remembrance; for full well he knows

He cannot so precisely weed this land

As his misdoubts present occasion:

His foes are so enrooted with his friends

That, plucking to unfix an enemy,

He doth unfasten so and shake a friend:

So that this land, like an offensive wife

That hath enraged him on to offer strokes,

As he is striking, holds his infant up

And hangs resolved correction in the arm

That was uprear’d to execution.


I particularly like the five lines that follow todays Totally Random lines and end the passage. …this land, like an offensive wife,/ that hath enraged him on to offer strokes,/ as he is striking, holds his infant up/ and hangs resolved correction in the arm/ that was uprear’d to execution.

I like the imagery- a wife, having poked the bear, is holding the baby up to protect herself. And I like the phraseology combined with imagery- hangs resolved correction in the arm.

It’s marvelous language, it’s timeless and timely, and it’s a part of the reason people fall in love with Shakespeare.


No pic today. The passage is too good. Spend the time you would have spent looking at the pic, by re-reading the passage. You can do it!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


First, that, without the king’s consent or knowledge,

You wrought to be a legate; by which power

You maim’d the jurisdiction of all bishops.


-Earl of Surrey       

King Henry the Eighth           Act III, Scene ii, Line 312


We’re still in the histories, I see.

This is the part of Henry VIII where they undo Wolsey. Or perhaps Henry has him undone; I’m not quite sure. In any event, today’s line, as it states, is the first in the list of offenses that Cardinal Wolsey has committed. It turns out to be a pretty long list.






By the time they’re done with the list, Wolsey is done as well. That’s right, stick a fork in him, he’s done. 


I don't think there's much relevance here (though they are talking about eating like kings), but I did think it was pretty funny.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Nay, Gloster, know that thou art come too soon,

Unless thou wert more loyal than thou art:

I do arrest thee of high treason here.

-Duke of Suffolk    

King Henry the Sixth Part II          Act III, Scene i, Line 95


Well there’s always someone getting arrested for treason in these history plays, isn’t there? Sometimes it’s real treason and sometimes it’s drummed up charges. These plays should be nicknamed Days of Treason. Or maybe Seasons of Treasons. Or perhaps, Seasons of Treasons, Sometimes with Reasons. What do you think?

And this would be a scene from Seasons of Teethin', because that's Jess's first tooth that's chomping on my finger.

Saturday, June 19, 2021


Northumberland, thou ladder wherewithal

The mounting Bolingbroke ascends my throne,

The time shall not be many hours of age

More than it is, ere foul sin gathering head

Shall break into corruption: thou shalt think,

Though he divide the realm, and give thee half,

It is too little, helping him to all;

And he shall think, that thou, which know’st the way

To plant unrightful kings, wilt know again,

Being ne’er so little urged, another way

To pluck him headlong from the usurped throne.

The love of wicked friends converts to fear;

That fear to hate; and hate turns one or both

To worthy danger and deserved death.


-King Richard

King Richard The Second       Act V, Scene i, Line 65


Well, the reality is that today’s Totally Random line is To pluck him headlong from the usurped throne. That is near the end of the passage I’ve given you, and a good line in its own right (in fact, a really good line in its own right), but I thought it best to give you the whole passage which is nearly one long sentence. This passage is Richard’s response to Northumberland after the latter tells him that Bolingbroke, the new Henry IV, has ordered that Richard is to be confined the Pomfret Castle and the Queen be banished to France.

I like that Richard calls Northumberland a ‘ladder.’ And, of course, the deposed king is right. Northumberland and Henry IV will end up fighting over the throne. But that will have to wait for King Henry the Fourth Part I; we won’t get to that in this play.

So for now, let’s just listen to the bottom line of Richard’s warning which can apply to any time or place.

The love of wicked friends converts to fear;

That fear to hate; and hate turns one or both

To worthy danger and deserved death.


So don’t be wicked, ok?

Well it's certainly been way too long since I've graced you with any of my own artwork (remember Mr. Sword?).  
So here is Northumberland, the ladder (not to be confused with the latter). What do you think?

Friday, June 18, 2021


To do them good, I would sustain some harm.


-Lady Grey    

King Henry the Sixth Part III         Act III, Scene ii, Line 39


Very interesting. Without getting into context, let me just apply the relevance of this line to my little world.

It seems that my associate, Jon, and his wife, Karen, welcomed two new heroes into the world yesterday. They are now parents of August and Otto. These two little fellows are their first children and my first grandsons.

Now, today’s line is Lady Grey’s answer to Henry’s question about her children, And would you not do much to do them good? It’s the obvious, usually unspoken, answer of a good mother. Or father. Or grandfather. To do them good, I would sustain some harm.

And so, it’s the perfect line for today. How random is that? 

And here's the happy dad (a pic from a few years back). 
Jon, you're going to be the best dad ever.


  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...