Tuesday, May 3, 2022


A pebble.


-William Page

The Merry Wives of Windsor      Act IV Scene i, Line 29

Yes, a pebble. That's today's Totally Random line: A pebble. This is obviously said in answer to a question. What was the question? And what is a stone, William? Well that seems like a reasonably good answer. Nope. The answer is lapis. Yah, I didn’t really get much out of this scene either.

I believe this is a stone as opposed to a pebble, the latter being something a bit smaller. I found it in the front yard last week and thought it was worth keeping. 
Lapis is Latin for stone. William's teacher was looking for the Latin word, not another English word that was similar to pebble.

Monday, May 2, 2022


First, he commends him to your noble self.



King Richard the Third     Act III Scene ii, Line 8

The messenger from Lord Stanley is at Lord Hasting’s door at four in the morning. I was up briefly today at four in the morning. Luckily there were no messengers from Lord Stanley, or anyone else, banging at my door. I went back to sleep.

Sunday, May 1, 2022


Most honour’d Cleon, I must needs be gone;



Pericles, Prince of Tyre    Act III Scene iii, Line 1

I'm not sure where he needs be gone to, but Pericles is heading out somewhere or the other, and he leaves his baby girl Marina in the care of Cleon, the governor of Tarsus. A scene or two from now we will find Marina fully grown and living in a house of prostitution. So that should give you an idea of how good a job Cleon does taking care of Marina. Well, to be fair, it’s Cleon’s wife Dionyza who ends up being the baddy in this respect, and it’s jealousy that’s the driver.

That’s a pretty interesting name, Dionyza. I used the google and found a young lady with that name who sings. I wonder if her parents were Shakespeareans. If not, how did they come up with that name? Interesting.  

Anyway, here is Dionyza’s song I Told Myself. I thought it was pretty good.



Saturday, April 30, 2022


Let us to the great supper: their cheer is the greater that I am subdued.


-Don John

Much Ado About Nothing          Act I Scene iii, Line 69

A thought occurred to me reading this: Don John seems to have been taking delight in the planning of misfortune for someone. We’ve seen this in many places with Will: Iago, Edmund, the list goes on. But I must say, this is a notion quite foreign to myself. I guess there are people that are very annoying to me (a certain neighbor comes to mind), and I may have wishes that they’d just go away and get out of my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever taken joy in planning ill fortune for them. And yet, I can think of other people in my life who may do just this.

Hmm, interesting.


Do you see these three arborvitae trees? We recently had them planted to increase the buffer between us and the guy on the other side of that white fence. Yes, he's annoying, but I don't sit around plotting his demise. I'd just prefer that he moved away. In the meantime - trees.  

Friday, April 29, 2022


You heavens, give me that patience, patience I need!


King Lear                       Act II Scene iV, Line 272

It seems to me that we’ve all used this line, or a version of it, at some time or another. I certainly know that I have. It also seems to me, now that I think of it, that much of the time this line is used it is in reference to the patience needed with other people, not with things. Or perhaps I’m not correct about that. In any event, with these lines Lear is looking for the patience he needs for dealing with people: specifically his two daughters.

I can’t possibly imagine having my own kids turn against me. I can remember, let alone imagine, needing patience to deal with them, but not because they were turning against me. I would certainly be looking, as Lear is, to the heavens for help if that happened.

Anyway, I still find myself looking for patience a lot, and a lot of the time it’s patience needed dealing with people. People can be tough to deal with, can't they?

Here is someone I hardly, if ever, needed patience with. Of course, she was not a people.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


She embraces him.



The Winter’s Tale                  Act V Scene iii, Line 111

Today’s line sounds more like a stage direction than a line. Nonetheless, it is today’s Totally Random line. And a nice short one it is. She embraces him: subject, verb, and object. It doesn’t get all that much simpler than that. In fact, a bit unshakespearean if you don’t mind my saying. She embraces him. I’m not even sure why we have this line. Certainly, the audience can see that she is embracing him. Soooooo, what’s with this line?

Anyone? See, this is the part where I really wish I had some people reading this blog who might give some thoughts on this. Oh well. Nobody reads it: subject, verb, and object.

Here we have a picture of today's blogpost readers; who, coincidentally, is also today's blogpost writer.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

And since this business so fair is done,

Let us not leave till all our own be won.


-King Henry

King Henry the Fourth Part I         Act V Scene v, Line 44


Yesterday we were at the beginning of Richard II, and today we are at the end of the subsequent play, King Henry the Fourth Part I. I say subsequent because this is the historical chronology of events, but not necessarily the order in which Will wrote the plays. Though actually, I think these two might have been written in this order. No matter.

So, we have a rhyming couplet for today’s Totally Random lines (two lines that rhyme) which is very typical of how Will ends scenes and whole plays. He loved his rhyming couplets. I doubt that he invented the usage of them, but I don’t actually know. We’d have to ask Stephen or Marjorie or one of those folks, but they’re not readers of this blog, so never mind.

Now, since we don’t have a bunch of our own to be won, what say we consider our business so fair done, and leave. 


  Today’s Totally Random Lines   Her voice is stopt, her joints forget to bow; Her eyes are mad that they have wept till now.   ...