there been a time—I’ld fain know that—
I have positively said ‘’Tis so,’
it proved otherwise?
Hamlet Act II Scene ii, Line 153
So Polonius
sounds pretty sure about whatever it is that he just told the King and Queen.
What did he tell him? He told them that Hamlet is mad, and that the cause of
his madness is that he’s in love with Polonius’s daughter Ophelia. Do you
think ‘tis this, asks the King. It may be, very like, says the Queen.
To which Polonius replies with today’s Totally Random line, and to which the
King replies, Not that I know.
So, there you
have it. Our friend Polonius has it all figured out, and when he says ‘Tis
so, it is so.
Or is it?
So we went to a two hour art class a few years back, myself, Patrice, and Walker. The object was for everyone to paint the same picture, and the teacher walked us through the steps of doing it.
Patrice's picture came out quite good, looking very much like the model picture that everyone was copying from.
Pete's picture? Well, not nearly as good as Patrice's, but not too bad.