Friday, June 3, 2022


Which is that god in office, guiding men?

Which is the high and mighty Agamemnon?



Troilus and Cressida      Act I Scene iii, Line 232

Aeneas has a message for Agamemnon. He is speaking to the same, and I’m not sure if he actually doesn’t know that he’s talking to Agamemnon, or if he’s just pretending not to know it’s Agamemnon. Either way, don’t you think that Agamemnon has to be suspicious of someone praising him thusly?

I saw Bird, and I said Hi Bird, and he looked at me. 

Then I said Oh high and mighty Bird, the god of this household, guider of all cats. And he gave me this look. That's the look I would have expected Agamemnon to give Aeneas.


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