Wednesday, August 31, 2016

O me, lieutenant! What villains have done this?


Othello                 Act V, scene i     Line 55

Well if we’re going to do a quote from Othello we can’t do better than Iago! This guy, if you didn’t know it, is widely considered the best villain that Shakespeare ever created. And if you were thinking that Iago was just the Gilbert Gottfried voiced parrot in the movie Aladdin, well I think it’s time we widened your horizons a wee bit.

So Iago is the guy in the play who starts all the bad stuff happening. If I recall, Iago’s main issue is that he gets passed over for promotion by Othello in favor of Cassio, a younger guy, so now he’s just gonna be a real nasty little creep and do everything he can to ruin everyone’s lives. And he does a pretty good job of it. And the thing is that he’s Othello’s right hand man and Othello has no idea that Iago is a bad guy until the very end of the play.

Today’s Totally Random Daily Shakespeare line is a perfect example of Iago’s treachery. His question is to Cassio who’s been sliced in the back of the leg. But the answer to ‘what villain?’ is himself. Iago! Iago snuck up behind Cassio, sliced him, and ran without being seen. Then he’s back a little while later pretending he was never there, and pretending to be shocked over what happened to Cassio. We couldn’t have picked a better line to show the spirit of Iago and this play if we had spent hours poring over the text! Amazing! Either this random stuff actually works or, more likely, Shakespeare’s texts are so packed full of good stuff that it’s hard to come up with a bad line!

So I guess this is the line you can use when mom discovers that someone (you) has eaten the whole container of mint chip ice cream and put the empty container back in the freezer. If you walk in the kitchen and see her looking with disappointment at the empty container you can try this line, “What villain has done this!” The thing is, your mom is probably smarter than Cassio and she’ll look right back at you and say “You know damn well what villain, Porky!”  

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