Monday, October 9, 2023


Today’s Totally Random Lines(s)



 O, lest your true love may seem false in this,

That you for love speak well of me untrue,

My name be buried where my body is,

And live no more to shame nor me nor you. 


Sonnet 72               

That's kind of bleak, isn't it?

This is the third quatrain of Sonnet 72. Lots of times (usually?) I give you the whole sonnet, but in this case the third quatrain seems to do a pretty good job of giving us the essence of the whole thing (that, and the fact that I don’t feel like typing out the whole thing): Bury my name with my body and forget about me. That’s pretty much it.

I think this sonnet probably falls into a sequence, so that it’s part of a bigger thought. There’s probably a lot more to it to explain, or set up, as to why he’s asking us (or someone) to forget about him. 

The Sonnets, apparently, are pretty complicated. They supposedly tell a story in a sort of way, if taken in groups. And the stories belie the meanings of the Sonnets taken individually. 

Interesting, isn’t it? 

Today's pic: an unstuck sticker from the fabulous sticker book. 
A little bit interesting, eh?

Does that make it a little more interesting?

How about now?

Get the picture?



Squeaks said...

You type the sonnet out? Couldn't you do a google and do an old ctrl+c, ctrl+v?

Pete Blagys said...

It's only fourteen lines, so I usually type it out.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...