Monday, January 15, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


Moon and Stars!--

Whip him.


Marc Antony

Antony and Cleopatra        Act III, Scene xiii, Line 95

Antony is telling his guys to whip the messenger of Caesar. So he’s not going to shoot the messenger, but he is going to whip him Till, like a boy, you see him cringe his face,/And whine aloud for mercy:

Apparently the fellow didn’t show Antony the proper respect when Antony asked him a question. It’s kind of funny because wise old Enobarbus watched the messenger answer Antony and immediately said to himself, You will be whipt. And now what’s happening? He’s gonna get whipt. Enobarbus is the wisest guy in this play, if you ask me.

Now, just as a follow-up to yesterday’s thoughts: the problem with humanity is humans, or at least a lot of us are. And this will never change as long as we humans are around. There will always be the guys who want to be the next Peter the Great but turn out to be the next Adolf Hitler. There will always be the guys who want all the power and the money and are willing to do anything to their fellow humans to get it. There will always be bad actors as long as there are people. I guess my point is that there’s no way around it.

I used to think Bill Gates was wrong for spending all that money to eradicate disease in Africa when the real problem in Africa is the warring factions, not the disease. Well, I guess Bill realizes that he, and all of us, are powerless to deal with bad humans, but we can deal with bad mosquitoes and bad germs. Now I get it.

Okay Antony, I guess you might as well whip him. 

One more pic from the land of no bad actors: just sea lions, iguanas, and birds. 


Squeaks said...

Oh my. You came back from the land of the tortoises a little down trodden about humanity didn't you?

Pete Blagys said...


  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...