Monday, November 9, 2020


‘This deed will make thee only loved for fear;’


 Lucrece                                   Line 610


Today we have Lucrece trying to talk Tarquin out of raping her. Well, since this poem is sometimes titled The Rape of Lucrece we can pretty much assume that she's not going to be talking him out of anything.

So,what can we do with today’s line, 'This deed will make thee only loved for fear'? It’s in the middle of a few stanzas of her argument (it’s a pretty long argument) where she’s trying to appeal to him with the fact that he’s going to be the king and this is not the way a king should be acting. I like the last two lines of this stanza:

         For princes are the glass, the school, the book,

            Where subjects' eyes do learn, do read, do look.

           I think that’s a good couple of lines for our times. When she mentions ‘glass’ she’s talking about a mirror. We don’t have princes these days, but we do have leaders, and it is so refreshing to know that we will soon have one that we can look up to. Sorry, I didn’t mean to get political, but that’s all I could come up with today.  



Okay, forget about politics. Here's a pic of someone I was lucky enough to have that I was able to use as the glass, the school, the book. 

1 comment:

Mrs Blue said...

Grandpa looks like dave in this picture.

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