Wednesday, January 4, 2023

 Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


    Let us bury him,

And not protract with admiration what

Is due debt.—To the grave!




Cymbeline                      Act IV, Scene ii, Line 233


Well, I skipped the first two lines of Guiderius’s little speech

                                       Prithee, have done; And do not play in wench-like words with that Which is so serious. Let us bury him,


I skipped it because I didn’t want to give you too much up front; I feel like I’ve been giving you some pretty long Random Lines lately, but then I realized that that second line, with the wench-like word thing was worth noting. I mean really, what’s a wench-like word? Okay, I wasn’t going to get into a lot of context, but I guess we’ve gotta go back and see what the previous speaker was saying.

It seems that the two brothers Guiderius, Arviragus, and their father Belarus are sitting here with two dead bodies. One is the headless Colten, a lout that Guiderius just killed, and other is Imogen, who these three guys think is a young lad named Fidele. I’m not sure how she died. Well, Arviragus just gave us a little eleven line speech about all the flowers he’s going to be putting on Fidele’s grave all year. I guess that’s the wench-like words. The fact is, all three of these guys are making a fuss over this lad, Fidele who they just met. It’s a little weird. But anyway, Today’s Totally Random Line is Guiderius saying ‘Enough! Let’s just bury the kid.’ Yeah, that’s today’s line. Prithee, have done is basically Enough!

Perhaps right now you’re saying to yourself as you’re reading this ‘Prithee, be done Pete! Enough!’ I guess I wouldn’t blame you.

Hi Jess! 

No pic today, just Hi Jess. Jess told me that she only looks at my blog for the pics. I'm testing here to see if that's the case. 

Hi Jess!

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...