Saturday, December 31, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


Why, what an intricate impeach this is!

I think you have all drunk of Circe’s cup.

If here you housed him, here he would have been;

If he were mad, he would not plead so coldly:-

You say he dined at home; the goldsmith here

Denies that saying. - Sirrah, what say you?


-Duke of Ephesus

 The Comedy of Errors          Act V, Scene i, Line 272


And we end the year with a bunch of confused people in the last scene of Comedy. Everyone is making different claims, and the Duke is trying to sort it all out.

An impeach is a charge or accusation.

Circe’s cup refers to the cup of potion she tried to give Odysseus to bring him under her spell.

The Duke is talking about Antipholus of Ephesus here, and he ends by turning to Dromio of Ephesus for his input: Sirrah, what say you? Dromio contradicts everything, declaring that Antipholus dined at the Porpentine Inn.

And that pretty much sums up The Comedy Of Errors. No worries though, everything’s going to be cleared up about thirty lines down when the other Ephesus and Dromio show up, finally in the same spot with the first Dromio and Ephesus. Phew!

And my takeaway today? The Porpentine Inn. That’s an old spelling of porcupine, and I love it. Porpentine! Yes, that’s right: My takeaway is Porpentine. Go figure.

And today's pic is brother Dave and his beautiful wife Kathleen. Why this pic? Well, it's because Dave brought us the unforgettable line, 'Rise and shine, Porpentine!'
Actually, Dave used Porcupine, but I'm sure he won't mind the transposition.

Friday, December 30, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


 It shall be done.



 King Henry the Sixth Part II         Act IV, Scene vii, Line 112


 Well that’s fairly declarative. It shall be done. No ifs, ands, or buts. It shall be done. Wow. Context aside, that’s a pretty good Totally Random Line. Don’t you agree?

Simple as that.

It shall be done.

And this will be called the Baobab Tree. 
It shall be done.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


 What! Shall we have incision? Shall we imbrue?

[Snatching up his sword]

Then death rock me asleep, abridge my doleful days!

Why, then, let grievous, ghastly, gaping wounds

Untwine the Sisters Three! Come, Atropos, I say!



 King Henry the Fourth Part II      Act II, Scene iv, Line 195


Pistol is a bit of a loose cannon here. He’s drunk in a scene at the Inn with Pistol, Bardolph, and Falstaff, among others. But enough of that.

To think, I started this blog in August 2016, and today is December 29, 2022. That’s over six years. I’m thinking that this blog has become my Watts Tower. That’s funny, I never thought of that before. My Watts Tower. LOL.

Oh world, thy slippery turns. I wonder if anyone will come to see my Tower. It doesn’t stick out like the ones in Watts, so it could easily go undiscovered. But did Mr Watts make his tower for anyone other than himself? I don’t know. Why should I care? Rounded with a sleep.

So, why am I building this tower? Well, it’s just that some of Will’s stuff is just, um, effable. He’s managed to make the ineffable effable. More people should see that, among other things.

Mr Rodia saw things that no one else saw in pieces of trash, and he used it to create Towers. If I were to say that I saw in Will’s stuff something that no one else sees, that would certainly not be true. I do see what many see, and have seen, but it is something that the vast majority of humanity has not seen; is not even fully aware that it exists. 


Watts Towers?

The Official Watts Towers Arts Center Campus

In case you don't know what I'm talking about


Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


 Why, what a wasp-stung and impatient fool

Art thou to break into this woman’s mood,

Tying thine ear to no tongue but thiue own.



 King Henry the Fourth Part I       Act I, Scene iii, Line 235


So Hotspur is on a rant against King Henry. Worcester keeps trying to interrupt to get his two cents in, but finally he gives up and says,

Farewell, kinsman: I’ll talk to you

When you are better temper’d to attend.

And that’s when Northumberland pipes up with Today’s Totally Random Line, which is basically saying to Worcester

Stop being an impatient old lady, and listen to someone besides yourself.

And Worcester does. He doesn’t leave and he waits until Hotspur is done, and then he lays out his plan for their plot against the King. Everyone likes the plan, and away we go.

I'm using this pic because it has the word Scottish in it, in homage to the Scottish prisoners that are the focal point of today's scene. Exactly what this thing in the picture is - the DEAS, the CATH, and all that - well, that's anybody's guess. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


    Dost thou hear?

                       Your tale, sir, would cure deafness.

The Tempest                   Act I, Scene ii, Line 105


So that is today’s line(s).

Now, I think that you’re probably not going to be having anyone say to you ‘Dost thou hear?’ But you might have someone say, ‘Do you hear what I’m saying to you?’ Or something of that ilk. And if they do, here’s your perfect reply.
‘Your tale, sir, would cure deafness.’

Perfect! Now don’t forget it, because that reply will really frost ‘em.

Speaking of frost --- I can't get these guys out of my sauna. I figured they would either get tired of it or melt. But no, they just love it. Guess I better turn up the heat. That'll de-frost 'em. 


Thursday, December 22, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


By this she hears the hounds are at bay,

Whereat she starts like one that spies an adder

Wreath’d up in fatal folds just in his way,

The fear whereof doth make him shake and shudder;

Even so the timorous yelping of the hounds

Appalls her senses, and her spirit confounds.  



Venus And Adonis                 Line 877


Here’s an interesting little fact: the first line of this stanza, as noted, is line 877 in this poem. The very first Totally Random Daily Line posted, on August 11, 2016, was line 889 (that’s two stanzas down), The dismal cry rings sadly in her ear. Rather than repeat the paragraph of explanation on this poem, I will refer you to that previous post, and take the rest of the day off.

Snowmen in a Sauna. Well, they look happy so far...

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition!

John, to stop Arthur’s title in the whole,

Hath willingly departed with a part;

And France - whose armour conscience buckled on, 

Whom zeal and charity brought to the field

As God’s own soldier, - rounded in the ear 

With that same purpose-changer, that sly devil, 

That broker, that still breaks the pate of faith,

That daily break-vow, he that wins of all,

Of kings, of beggars, old men, young men, maids,

Who having no external thing to lose

But the word “maid”, cheats the poor maid of that,

That smooth-fac’d gentleman, tickling commodity,

Commodity, the bias of the world -



King John                       Act II, Scene i, Line 567


And then he goes on (and on) about Commodity. Let me give you a few things up front:

A composition in this case (Mad Composition!) is an agreement, truce or settlement.

Rounded (rounded in the ear) is whispered.

And finally, That broker, that daily break-vow, that smooth-fac’d gentleman are all references to commodity, and commodity in this reference pretty much means self-interest.

Here’s my Shakespeare App’s summary of what Bastard is talking about here -

The Bastard expostulates on how quickly self-interest makes people forget their oaths, and he decides that he might as well do the same himself.

There, that’s your head start.

 So, Today’s Totally Random Lines are fourteen lines of a thirty-eight line scene-ending soliloquy by Bastard (You gotta love that the guy’s name throughout the play is simply Bastard). The random line picked is in the middle of the fourteen lines, and I couldn’t find any kind of a complete thought without keeping these lines intact. Even with this, the thought is not completely done. Bastard goes on about how commodity, or self-interest runs the world and he’s going to let it run him.

King John is that odd, sort of out of place, history play about the twelfth century king who was halfway between William the Conqueror and Edward III, the progenitor of the War of the Roses. All the other history plays are contiguous, from Richard II to Richard III (oh sure, there’s Henry VIII, but that’s almost contemporary), but this one is a loner. And it’s a little bit odd. Will supposedly wrote it in the middle of his history play writing period. It’s almost as if he needed a break from the War of the Roses saga that he was writing with the other eight history plays.  

Anyway, what to say about this line, this soliloquy, this scene, this play, this mad world? I'm not sure I've anything of substance to add. I think perhaps I’ve said enough. 

Okay, two justifications for this pic: Today's lines begin and end 'with world' - from Mad world to bias of the world. This pic is from near the end of the world, Ushuaia, Argentina and it's got a prison convict escaping down the side of the building, which is a little bit crazy, or mad. And the second justification - Argentina. Since they won the world cup two days ago, and since this one of the very few pics I have taken in/of Argentina...well, there you go. 

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   What fashion, madam, shall I make your breeches?   Lucetta The Two Gentlemen of Verona      ...