Saturday, December 31, 2022


Today’s Totally Random Line(s)


Why, what an intricate impeach this is!

I think you have all drunk of Circe’s cup.

If here you housed him, here he would have been;

If he were mad, he would not plead so coldly:-

You say he dined at home; the goldsmith here

Denies that saying. - Sirrah, what say you?


-Duke of Ephesus

 The Comedy of Errors          Act V, Scene i, Line 272


And we end the year with a bunch of confused people in the last scene of Comedy. Everyone is making different claims, and the Duke is trying to sort it all out.

An impeach is a charge or accusation.

Circe’s cup refers to the cup of potion she tried to give Odysseus to bring him under her spell.

The Duke is talking about Antipholus of Ephesus here, and he ends by turning to Dromio of Ephesus for his input: Sirrah, what say you? Dromio contradicts everything, declaring that Antipholus dined at the Porpentine Inn.

And that pretty much sums up The Comedy Of Errors. No worries though, everything’s going to be cleared up about thirty lines down when the other Ephesus and Dromio show up, finally in the same spot with the first Dromio and Ephesus. Phew!

And my takeaway today? The Porpentine Inn. That’s an old spelling of porcupine, and I love it. Porpentine! Yes, that’s right: My takeaway is Porpentine. Go figure.

And today's pic is brother Dave and his beautiful wife Kathleen. Why this pic? Well, it's because Dave brought us the unforgettable line, 'Rise and shine, Porpentine!'
Actually, Dave used Porcupine, but I'm sure he won't mind the transposition.

1 comment:

Mrs Blue said...

That looks like the waspy world cabin

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...