Sunday, June 19, 2022


And thrice cried, ‘Courage, father! Fight it out!’


-Duke of York

King Henry the Sixth Part III         Act I Scene iv, Line 10

I think I’ll not spend any time with context today and, since the line mentions ‘father’ and today is Father’s Day, just take the line in general and talk about it. And yes, today's line is Totally Random, believe or not. 

The Duke is talking about the encouragement he’s received from his sons, or maybe in this case, one son. So I'm going to reflect on the sons I've received encouragement from. But of course I also receive a tremendous amount of encouragement from my daughters. I’m a very lucky guy. I have two wonderful daughters, one fabulous son, and three tremendous stepsons. Oh and let’s not forget about those two stupendous sons-in-law, two fantastic daughters-in-law and that outstanding godson. And holy crow, there's the newcomers: an amazing granddaughter and two unbelievable grandsons (have I left anyone out?) 

Jeez, so much encouragement. How could I possibly not fight it out?

Okay, I know you're thinking, 'wait a minute Pete, who this?' You were probably expecting a pic of one, or all, of the coconuts I mentioned above. That's understandable. But I got to thinking about it, and thinking about where I got my encouragement before I was a father. See that guy in the back there (I know, hard to look past the stylin' shirt I'm rocking)? He's my big brother, and he was giving me encouragement when my dad was alive and has continued to be like a second dad to me since dad died. So I wanted to give a shout out to this guy on father's day. Happy Fathers Day Big Guy! (he doesn't like being called Big Guy, but don't worry, he doesn't read this blog)


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