Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


If there be one among the fair’st of Greece

That holds his honor higher than his ease;

That seeks his praise more than he fears his peril;

That knows his valour, and knows not his fear;

That loves his mistress more than in confession

With truant vows to her own lips he loves,

And dare avow her beauty and her worth

In other arms than hers,-- to him this challenge.



Troilus and Cressida                      Act I, Scene iii,  Line 268


Well, Aeneas is a Trojan and he’s come down to the Greek camp to issue a challenge. The challenge is for any of the Greeks That holds his honour high, etc, etc. to come and fight Troy’s best guy. That would be Hector.

Now we were looking at today’s passage, Mojo and I, and it sort of made sense until we got to the bit about loving his mistress more than in confession. That’s the part where Mojo looked up and me and said, “What’s this nonsense?” Well I certainly didn’t know and I told him as much. “And you’re thinking about using me to be your spokesman for telling people to read Shakespeare?” he said. I tried to explain to him that there are passages that we would come across that might take a little work to get a true understanding of. “Sure,” he replied, “let me know how that works out for you. I’m pretty sure my breakfast is calling me.” And off he strutted.

So I guess we’re going to have to work out the kinks in this Mojo Reads Shakespeare idea of mine.

Maybe I should just stick to letting the guy help with getting the knots out of my shoelaces. Leastways, that's what he told me he was doing. 

1 comment:

Squeaks said...

You know, I was reading the passage and that's the EXACT line (the mistress line) I got to before I went "Well, he's lost me." I was really looking forward to the answer.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...