Today’s Totally Random
If thou couldst, doctor, cast
water of my hand, find her disease,
purge it to a sound and pristine health,
would applaud thee to the very echo,
should applaud again.
Macbeth Act V, Scene iii, Line 51
Today we have our friend Macbeth,
not Frank Macbeth, or Sam Macbeth – just Macbeth. He’s in a bit of a sour mood.
His servant has just told him that there are thousands of English soldiers
marching on his castle, and the doctor has just told him that Lady Macbeth (at
least she has a title; of course if she didn’t then we wouldn’t know, when we
said Macbeth, whether we were talking
about him or her) is ill and has a disease of the mind that he has no cure for.
Not a lot of good news for
Macbeth. Today’s Totally Random Lines are Macbeth’s response to the doctor. I
must say, it’s a bit of an odd response. First, that after all that the Macbeth
couple have done, to expect the doctor to bring her back to a sound and pristine health. Yes, that’s
right – not just sound but pristine. And if the doctor could do
that, Macbeth would applaud him to the
very echo, that should applaud again? That seems like a fairly odd way to
compensate the good doctor, doesn’t it? And first off, what's this cast the water of my hands nonsense?
It's a fairly odd line today from the
Scottish play.
He might not write a play about flat feet, but I'm sure he'd write a line about it.
You know, I have to agree with you. I'd bet dollars to donuts that there is at least a line, somewhere in his works, about flat feet.
I'll let you know if I find it.
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