Tuesday, August 1, 2023

 Today’s Totally Random Lines



Blow, blow, thou winter wind,

Thou are not so unkind

As man’s ingratitude;

Thy tooth is not so keen,

Because thou art not seen,

Although thy breath be rude.

Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:

Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:

Then heigh-ho, the holly!

This life is most jolly.

Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,

That dost not bite so nigh

As benefits forgot:

Though thou the waters warp,

Thy sting is not so sharp

As friend remember'd not.

Heigh-ho! sing, & C.

Amiens As You Like It                Act II, Scene vii, Line 173


Well that’s a lot of lines. If you didn’t recognize it as such, I’ll tell you: it’s a song. Rather odd that it ends with & c., but I’m not going to focus on that.

Immediately after Amiens finishes singing this song, Duke Senior turns to Orlando and tells him that he remembers Orlando’s father, and that they were good friends. Because of this, he’s very welcoming to Orlando and his servant Adam. So apparently Duke Senior is listening to the song and he’s going to make sure his friend is not remember’d not. 

You caught that double negative there, right?

I'm thinking that the folks from around here do not remember not. 
No, I think they remember quite well. 

1 comment:

Squeaks said...

But now I'm on the edge of my seat - what's "& C"?

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...