Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Today’s Totally Random Lines



Fie, fie upon her! She’s able to freeze the god Priapus, and undo a whole generation.



Pericles                           Act IV, Scene v, Line 3


Bawd is talking about Marina. Bawd runs a whorehouse to which Marina’s recently been sold. Unfortunately, Marina’s not very good for business. She converts all her customers into better people, convincing them that prostitution is a very bad thing. Naturally, Bawd’s not happy with this, making reference to Priapus, the god of fertility, or in this case just plain sex.

Fie seems like a good word, or exclamation. I wonder if it was the F word of the day. For sure, no one knows it these days, so it can’t offend anyone. I think I’ll start using it. It goes well with Oy. That’s my new word for Hey. I’ve made almost the full transition to Oy. Now I’ll see if I can’t transition from one F word to another. It’s for sure that I use an F word too much. And this new one starts with the f sound; it would be a lot harder to transition to a word that started with a different letter. Let’s see if I can change to a word that doesn’t offend, and one that I can use around the grandkids. Will it work? Fie me! Fie that! Are you fie’ng kidding me! No, that last one’s not going to work. You can’t put an ing on fie. I’ll stick to the non-ing uses for now. And I’ll have to add a to or on in some cases, like Fie to you, or is it fie on you, the most common usage. But I think I can do it, particularly for the simple, straight up one word usage, like when you hit your thumb with the hammer: FIE!

Yes, I think I can switch to a better F word. Fie yes, I can! And to the doubters that think I can’t do it? Fie on them!



Squeaks said...

I'm glad I'm a regular subscriber to the blog so I'm in the know on this big transition.

Pete Blagys said...

Fie yes!

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...