Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Today’s Totally Random Lines



Dispute it like a man.



Macbeth         Act IV, Scene iii, Line 220


Well, here we go. We’ve actually happened upon a pretty famous line. What is Malcolm talking about when he tells Macduff to dispute it like a man? Oh nothing really, just the slaughter of his wife and children, that’s all.

Just previous to today’s line Macduff has been told that his wife and children have all been murdered. Then Malcolm counsels him to ‘Let’s make us medicines of our great revenge.’ But that’s not what Macduff wants to hear right now. He responds, He has no children.(referring to the fact that Malcolm has no children, so he doesn’t know how it feels to lose them)— All my pretty ones? Did you say all? — Oh hell-kite!— All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam At one fell swoop? And that’s when Malcolm says Dispute it like a man. Easy for him to say. It wasn’t his wife and kids that got massacred. Macduff’s reply to Malcolm is worth noting as well. But I must also feel it as a man: I cannot but remember such things were, That were most precious to me. - Did heaven look on? And would not take their part? Sinful Macduff, They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am, Not for their own demerits, but for mine, Fell slaughter on their souls: heaven rest them now. There’s that word fell again. Yah, fell slaughter, and one fell swoop. So remember, the next time you’re thinking about using the phrase ‘in one fell swoop’ that ‘fell’ in this phrase means evil, very evil. That’s the true meaning of that phrase. Macduff’s whole family was massacred in one evil swoop.


Squeaks said...

"Did heaven look on? And would not take their part?"
Does this mean - Was God watching and just let it happen? Or is it a different meaning?

Pete Blagys said...

That sounds about right.

Squeaks said...

That's the first time I think I was really struck by how pretty and well put a line was in Shakespeare-speak rather than modern-speak.

Pete Blagys said...

Interesting. But nice to see you appreciating Will's words.
But it's all modern-speak, in a sense. Isn't it?
Did God watch, and just let it happen? Did heaven look on, and would not take their part?
The same thought, both using different, modern words.
Of course Will's words sound better. Of course.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...