Saturday, October 19, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


Buck!--I would I could wash my self of the buck!—Buck, buck, buck! Ay, buck I warrant you, buck; and the season too, it shall appear.



The Merry Wives of Windsor         Act III, Scene iii, Line 172


Well I can’t be sure, but it seems possible that Today’s Line might have something to do with Buck. Just kidding. Yes, obviously Buck is the word today, so I guess I’m going to have to go into a bit of a lengthy explanation. Apologies in advance.

So this play is all about Falstaff trying to sleep with both Mistress Page and Mistress Ford. These latter two know what Falstaff’s up to all along and they just lead him along and play with him. Meantime Mister Ford and Mister Page catch wind of what’s going on and get involved in the antics as well.

In this scene Mistresses Ford and Page are sneaking Falstaff out of the house in a basket of dirty laundry whilst Misters Ford and Page are arriving, knowing (or at least suspecting) that something is going on. Ford asks the servants where they’re going with the laundry basket (it must be a pretty big basket if Falstaff’s in it), and Mistress Ford says,

Why, what have you to do whither they bear it? You were best meddle with buck-washing.

And that’s were our word comes in. Ford’s reply is Today’s line.

Now, if you thought that was a lengthy explanation hold on to your teeth because we’re only halfway there. Buck-washing, it seems, was some sixteenth century form of laundry. It involves a lye mixture…but no need to get into details; just know that it’s getting the laundry done. Ford picks up on the buck portion of buck-washing and whilst apparently referring to the wash, he is also making a double entendre reference to Falstaff who is the unwanted buck (male animal) in the house. Also, buck at just a little bit of a stretch can also refer to the male horned animal which is an oblique reference to being cuckolded, or cheated on, which of course is what Ford thinks is happening. So it’s really a triple entendre and as such Will has decided, I suppose, that he wants to make sure that you don’t miss it.

And was he successful? Was there any particular word that stood out in Today’s Line? Again, just kidding. Buck, buck, buck.


Due to today's word, I have no choice but to show you a picture of my big brother Buck. So, here he is with his lovely wife at the celebration of having a Boys Club gym named after him. If you didn't already figure it out, his real name's not Buck 

Now don't worry, I got Mojo's approval today for the non-Mojo picture in the Moj-Post. Apparently what you see below is his "stamp of approval"
Don't over-exert yourself, Buddy. We don't want you getting hurt.

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