Monday, October 7, 2024

 Today’s Totally Random Lines


A charge too heavy for my strength; but yet

We’ll strive to bear it, for your worthy sake,

To th’extreme edge of hazard.


All’s Well That Ends Well     Act III, Scene iii, Line 5


That’s right, this is the beginning of the scene. The Duke just told Bertram that the latter is in command of the cavalry and they’re putting all their hopes on him. I’m not sure what exactly they’re hoping for, I guess it’s just that he’ll be a good leader, but it appears that Bertram is going to give it his best shot. So you’ve got to admire that. It’s pretty much all you can ask of anyone. He’s going to strive to bear the charge they’ve given him To th’extreme edge of hazard.

But wait a minute, To the edge of hazard? Then what? Not into the hazard itself? When he gets really close to the hazard he’s going to turn and run? He’s willing, though, to go to the extreme edge, not just any old edge. This just gets more interesting the more I look at it.


Listen, I’m stuck here, but there’s still time for you to leave. Believe me, he’s going to be beating this thing to death for a while; with my luck, all day.

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