Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


Her beauty hangs upon the cheek of night

Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear;


Romeo and Juliet   Act I, Scene v, Line 47


We’re breaking with tradition today as this is not a random line. It’s one that I picked, so just go with it.

These are some of the first words that Romeo uses to describe Juliet upon first seeing her. Why did I pick them? Well, I came across them, and the fact that they resemble some words from a modern song, and I just felt like writing about it.

I met you on a midway at a fair last year

And you stood out like a ruby in a black man’s ear

That’s the beginning of That Song About The Midway by Joni Mitchell.

So, is it the same image? Is like a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear the same simile as like a ruby in a black man’s ear? I dunno, but it just seemed too close to be a coincidence. And like I said yesterday, I don’t believe in coincidences. It's my belief that Joni Mitchell knows her Romeo and Juliet. I guess I’ll probably never have a chance to talk to Ms. Mitchell about this, but if any of you do, please ask her for me.



Well, Mojo, I'm pretty sure your ear doesn't need a rich jewel or a ruby; you've got some sound-sifters there that could make an elephant envious.

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