Sunday, October 6, 2024

 Today’s Totally Random Lines


Sir, my name is Lucio; well known to the duke.


Measure For Measure   Act III, Scene ii, Line 162

Okay, here’s what we’ve got today. Lucio and the Duke are in this scene, but the Duke is disguised as a Friar. Lucio has no idea that this Friar that he's talking to is the Duke. Meantime he is bad mouthing the Duke, and he’s claiming be a personal friend of the Duke. The Duke/Friar has never met Lucio before, which is why he had to ask him what his name was.

So this is a setup that’s been used a million times, on stage, in movies, and in television. I doubt that Will invented it, but who knows. Yes, some of the humor in Will’s Comedies is pure Laugh-In stuff.

Now, do you know what I’m talking about when I say Laugh-In?  You do? Man, you’re old! 


Did you know that I’m a personal friend of the guy who makes the rules about whether or not people like me should be allowed to root around in the kitchen garbage, and he said it would be okay.


First off Mojo, you’re not a people, second, I’m the guy who says you can’t root around in this garbage, and third, this is neither Measure For Measure nor Laugh-In. Now, get your nose out of the garbage!

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  Today’s Totally Random Lines   Very easily possible: he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat; it ever changes with the next b...