Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


                No, my good lord;

Nor wish’d to hold my peace


Measure For Measure     Act V, Scene i, Line 79


Lucio is listed in the cast of characters as a fantastic. I looked that up in my Shakespeare glossary… that is, I tried to look it up, but found nothing. So what is Lucio? He is, for the most part, comic relief in this play. He has a small role to play as the go-between for Isabella and her brother, Claudio, but mostly he just makes funny (sometimes not so funny) comments. 

In today's case the duke is questioning Isabella, and Lucio throws in his two cents. The duke then says to Lucio, You were not bid to speak, and Lucio responds with Today’s Line: No, but I wasn’t asked to keep quiet either. It’s kind of a wise-ass retort which could get a laugh I suppose, if delivered properly.

What on earth is Mojo staring so intently at? 
Is there some comic relief to be had?

Not exactly; 
it's Bird.


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