Friday, October 4, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


A thousand times the worse, to want thy light.—


Romeo and Juliet           Act II, Scene i, Line 198



A thousand times good night!


A thousand times the worse to want thy light.—

Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from their books;

But love from love, toward school with heavy looks.

There, that’s just a little context for Today’s Totally Random Line. So, do you know what scene this is? That’s right, it’s the very famous, O Romeo. Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? balcony scene; perhaps the most well-known of any of Will’s scenes. If you asked one hundred random people to give you just one line from Shakespeare, that O Romeo line would probably be the answer you’d get more than any other.

But that line is at the beginning of the scene, and our line for today is nearer the end. They’re saying good night, but it will take a while for them to get through their good nights. There are lots of people who are like this with their good-byes. They can take forever. These two don’t take forever, but it does go on for a while. 

I listened to this scene in its entirety this morning. It’s only eleven minutes long. It’s all about how much they love each other. I’m sorry if I’m being cynical, but I couldn’t help think, as I listened to this scene, that these two just met in the previous scene where they spoke a total of eighteen lines to each other. Now, in today’s scene they’re pledging everlasting love and talking about marriage. Ummm....

This is a shot of our front door taken from the outside. Patrice has been keeping tabs on this spiderette (I'm assuming it's female) for a while now. The white and light brown blur to the left of it, on the other side of the thick black line, is Mojo, inside, in his bed. Since the spiderette is on the outside looking in, I've revised today's roles and given the lines to her. You'll notice I gave Mojo an extra syllable, but just for today. So it's not Romeo and Juliet, but rather...

  Mojeo and Spiderette.

A thousand times I stare in every night.--
But always from the out to in I look;
I'm stuck here like a bug, I'm such a schnook. 

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