Monday, April 4, 2022


                        You fools! I and my fellows

Are ministers of fate: the elements,

Of whom your swords are temper’d, may as well

Wound the loud winds, or with bemock’d-at stabs

Kill the still-closing waters, as diminish

One dowle that’s in my plume.



The Tempest               Act III Scene iii, Line 61


This is Ariel, pretending to be a Harpy, threatening the King and his men. A dowle in his plume is a feather in his wing. Remember, Harpies have wings.

So this is a little long, but pretty easy to understand. At least, I think it is. And very shortly after this the king and the two brothers are driven mad with fear and go running off.

And there you have it.

Self Explanatory

1 comment:

Squeaks said...

That is a frightening picture! Reminds me a little of Pan's Labyrinth (the movie).

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