Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


I then moved you,

My Lord of Canterbury; and got your leave

To make this present summons: unsolicited

I left no reverend person in this court;

But by particular consent proceeded

Under your hands and seals: therefore, go on:

For no dislike i’ the world against the person

Of the good queen, but the sharp thorny points

Of my alleged reasons, drive this forward:

Prove but our marriage lawful, by my life

And kingly dignity, we are contented

To wear our mortal state to come with her,

Katharine our queen, before the primest creature

That paragon’d the world.


King Henry

King Henry the Eighth            Act II, Scene iv,  Line 211



Well that’s a long line, isn’t it? And easily understandable? Not quite. But it is one sentence, albeit with a lot of colons, commas, and semicolons. Just to be clear, the one Totally Random Line that was randomly picked today is

Under your hands and seals: therefore, go on:

I think you’ll agree that I couldn’t give you that line all on its own. Right?  


Clearly, Mojo agrees with me. Thank you Mojo.


Squeaks said...

To be honest, I think it would have been easier to understand the line without the additional 'context'.

Pete Blagys said...


  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...