Tuesday, May 30, 2023

 Today’s Totally Random Lines


Warble, child; make passionate my sense o’ hearing.



Love’s Labour’s Lost             Act III, Scene i, Line 1



Armado is telling Moth to sing. Moth begins and gets one word out, Concolinel (I think it’s a name, but I’m not sure), before Armado immediately interrupts him. Even as I read Warble, child I heard a bird warbling outside, so it seems a very suitable line for this morning. Interesting too that Armado used the word warble as it is so much more appropriate for me, even more than for him. He could have asked Moth to sing, but that wouldn’t have been a word as nearly appropriate for me right now as warble. Yah, warble. The fellow warbling for me is a wren. I don’t know if there is one very verbal wren around here or if we are lousy with wrens, but I am constantly hearing, and often seeing this warbling fellow, everywhere around the house. He’s in the front yard now. Yesterday, whilst we sat by the pool in the back, he was serenading us. He’s got a lovely little song. Oh, it’s a little bit repetitious, but lovely nonetheless. Yes, that’s the word: Lovely.
Hmmm, it's quiet now. My warbling friend seems to have moved off for a bit.

Your favorite blogger sitting by the pool; enjoying life and the sound of the wren.

1 comment:

Squeaks said...

Indeed my favorite blogger by far!

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...