Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


By cock and pie, you shall not choose, sir: come, come.



The Merry Wives of Windsor           Act I, Scene i, Line 289


Well, that’s a bit of an odd sounding line, isn’t it? Let’s see if we can get a little bit of context; just a wee bit.

Okay, I’ve got it. By cock and pie is just an innocent rustic oath, according to G. B. Harrison. It pretty much means nothing; like for goodness sake, or gee whiz. They’re trying to get Slender (yes, the guy Page is talking to is named Slender) to come in to have dinner with them, Slender says that he chooses not to, and Page responds with today's line. 

And that's about it. pie?

That's right, Mojo; no pie.

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